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Social Connection

As humans, we are social creatures. Since the beginning of time, we have hunted, traveled, and thrived in groups, which has definitely provided humanity great benefit. Social groups play a large role in our identity: allowing us to feel supported, valued, and connected to others. Connecting socially also provides many health and well-being benefits. Helen Keller once said, “Alone we can accomplish so little; together we can accomplish so much.” These words remain true. Feeling socially connected is more important than ever, especially in an increasingly isolated world. With all the advances in social media, one might wonder how we are feeling more isolated? NPR reports that 1,787 U.S. adults ages 19 to 32 were asked about their usage of social media platforms outside of work as well as how much they felt left out. It turns out that the people who reported spending the most time on social media (more than two hours a day) had twice the rate of perceived social isolation than those who said they spent a half hour per day or less on these sites. These findings have been found on multiple research studies, all pointing to the same result. It is the direct and face to face connections that are associated with well-being and play a large role in our health! But why is social connection important?


Just a few benefits of social connections according to Illinois State University research:

  • Increases your quality of health
  • Points to a longer life
  • Cultivates resilience after experiencing hardship
  • Strengthens your immune system
  • Lowers anxiety and depression
  • Increases self-esteem
  • Provides a more interesting life by sharing diverse perspectives and experiences
  • Time with others also rejuvenates us

If you are wanting to make a shift but time is the objection, here are a few ideas to increase your socially connectedness:

  • Invite a family member or friend for a cup of coffee, to go on a walk, or to share a meal
  • Send a card or a letter of appreciation, even if it’s to a family member at your own address
  • Call a friend or family member you haven’t spoken to in a while
  • Visit a church
  • Volunteer
  • Join an organization that meet regularly (Columbus moms groups, small groups at church, etc)
  • Take a class (yoga, pilates, mothers, birthing, fitnessetc)
  • Lend a helping hand to someone in need.
  • Join or start a group around a hobby you enjoy.
  • Attend a health class/workshop at Atone Chiropractic and bring a friend

Community is a staple at Atone Chiropractic that keeps us moving forward. This is one reason we host health classes regularly. These are complimentary for you, your friends, and family and many people find it therapeutic to gather, learn, and discuss how we can live our best lives. We are also always looking for ways to volunteer in the community. We participate in drives, host community activities, are vendors at many events out in the community, and we often go to local businesses to give talks. That being said, we are always looking for more ways to get involved and to provide our practice members with ways they can get involved, too. If you have any suggestions for us or if you want to know about ways you can get involved with us, we would love to meet with you!


Action Steps:

  • Ask about our future health classes, events we may have going on currently, and ways in which you can be a part of our community.